• Jan 04, 2024 News!IJKE will adopt Article-by-Article Work Flow. For the Biannually journal, each issue will be released at the end of the issue month.
  • Nov 28, 2023 News!Vol.9, No.2 has been published with online version.   [Click]
  • Jun 06, 2023 News!Vol.9, No.1 has been published with online version.   [Click]
General Information
    • ISSN: 2382-6185
    • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Knowl. Eng.
    • Frequency: Semiyearly
    • DOI: 10.18178/IJKE
    • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Chen-Huei Chou
    • Executive Editor: Ms. Shira,W.Lu
    • Indexed by: Google Scholar, Crossref
    • E-mail: ijke@ejournal.net
Prof. Chen-Huei Chou
College of Charleston, SC, USA
It is my honor to be the editor-in-chief of IJKE. I will do my best to help develop this journal better.

Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewers play an extremely important role in the peer review process. Efforts of reviewers are the key for the objectives of a fair and timely review process for all of our manuscripts and the publications of only papers of the highest quality. We greatly appreciate reviewers for volunteering their time and expertise to review the submitted manuscripts of IJKE.

IJKE performs the blind reviews for manuscripts, so the identity of every reviewer is protected. And reviewers must treat the manuscripts as confidential documents, which should must not be shown to or discussed with the others except with the authors’ permission.

If you're interested in serving as a reviewer of IJKE, please fill out the Application Form and send it to the editorial office at ijke@ejournal.net, then your application will be processed in 5 working days (Only Ph.D. holders are qualified to apply for reviewers).
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E-mail: ijke@ejournal.net