Abstract—This paper describes a study of the development of
a hierarchical ontology for producing and maintaining
personalized profiles to improve the experience of visitors to
virtual art galleries and museums. The paper begins by
describing some of the features of virtual exhibitions and offers
examples of virtual tours that the reader may wish to examine in
more detail. The paper then discusses the ontology engineering
(OE) approach and domain modelling languages (e.g. KACTUS,
SENSUS and METHONTOLOGY). It then follows a basic OE
approach to define classes for a cultural heritage virtual tour
and to produce a Visitor Profile Ontology that is hierarchical
and has static and dynamic elements. It concludes by suggesting
ways in which the ontology may be automated to provide a
richer, more immersive personalized visitor experience.
Index Terms—Ontology engineering, virtual tour,
personalization, profiling, domain modelling.
W. A. Eardley and B. D. Fletcher are with the Faculty of Computing
Engineering and Sciences at Staffordshire University, U.K. (e-mail:
w.a.eardley@staffs.ac.uk, b.d.fletcher@staffs.ac.uk).
D. E. Ashe is with the Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies at
Staffordshire University, U.K. (e-mail: denise.ashe@research.staffs.ac.uk).
Cite: W. A. Eardley, D. E. Ashe, and B. D. Fletcher, "An Ontology Engineering Approach to User Profiling for Virtual Tours of Museums and Galleries," International Journal of Knowledge Engineering vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 85-91, 2016.