Abstract—This paper will serve to explain how Cloud
Computing will increase the rate at which new security
measures will be required. Cloud Computing is a new
technology, and is advancing at a rapid pace. Its advancement is
changing cyber security and exposing the weakest links within
current security. Through careful observation, this study of
Cloud Computing services and security issues will explain why
the malicious applications provided by Cloud Computing
services are of great importance. The conclusion is attained by
showing how quickly Cloud Computing resources can eliminate
many current security measures with purely brute force
methods. The careful piecing together of many studies and their
results, as well as the logical assessment of ideas, all led to the
conclusion that cyber security will require new, innovative
security technology and increased Government investment in
the future.
Index Terms—Cloud vulnerabilities, cyber security, FREAK.
Chen-Chi Shing and David Martin are with Radford University, USA
(e-mail: cshing@radford.edu, dmartin15@radford.edu).
Lee Hur Shing is with Virginia Tech., USA.
Cite: Chen-Chi Shing, David Martin, and Lee Hur Shing, "Cloud Computing Demands Security Advancements," International Journal of Knowledge Engineering vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 26-30, 2016.